5 Strategies To Grow Your Wedding-Based Instagram Account

Practical tactics you can implement today

In a recent interview Gary V said “ The number one variable of growing your business that is practical and achievable is how serious you take making content. It's that simple, he said. And no matter what your excuse is within that story, I promise you that social media is not hte issue.  It's your frame of mind.”

Social media - particularly instagram - is key to a successful marketing campaign in the wedding industry.

1) Don’t farm it out. No one knows and loves your business the way you do, and the person managing your instagram account needs to be ready and interested in grabbing up a phone at any moment in the day to capture a project or a quick thought on the go.

2) Catch your audience within the first three seconds of starting the video. Luckily the stat isn’t just one second, nor is it two, but by three seconds, your audience is scrolling on the next post if they aren’t engaged. Put your hook in text right away… you don’t have time to build up to it.

3) Be controversial or polarizing. I kinda hate this one but the fact of the matter is, my most viewed videos are ones that prompted people to disagree with me in the comments section. Whether they were wrong or right did not matter once the algorithum got ahold of it. And even if you don’t want followers who disagree with you, think of it as casting a huge net. You’re grabbing up a bunch of fish and then weeding it down to the ones who align with your thinking. Those will be your followers who become clients.

4) Get dressed. Yes, wake up in the morning and get dressed. Put on your makeup, do your hair…or whatever it takes so that you want be stressing too much about the pretty. Yes, we live in an aesthetic-based world and work in an aesthetic-based business. And how lucky are we that almost everything we capture for social is pretty to look at!? But do not delay an important, trending or (tip 3) controversial concept simply because you didn’t have time to put on makeup. On social, doing is far more important than doing perfectly which is a huge mind shift for perfectionists like us wedding pros.

5) Vary up your posts. Trends change all the time -sometimes it’ss trending audio, sometimes it’s the latest dance. Other times the algorithum wants unique content. I say do a bit of it all.


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